Banking and finance deals require specialist knowledge of corporate and commercial transactions to ensure effective structuring that manages risk appropriately and ensures success. Examples of transactions that have benefitted our corporate and commercial expertise include:
Project financing is traditionally regarded as the financing of an asset where the lenders are repaid from the revenue generated by the asset and, once the assets are revenue positive, the lenders rely on the asset as their sole collateral for the loan.
Lenders will often require completion guarantees from the parent until construction of the project is complete and is cashflow positive. When the completion guarantee falls away, the lenders’ recourse should be limited to the project itself – that is, they cannot gain access to the other revenues or assets of the parent company.
In line with this, the conventional project finance structure involves the project being held in a subsidiary (a special purpose vehicle). This has the advantages of reducing the risks to the project (i.e. by removing any other business or liabilities of the corporate group which could affect it). It also allows the parent company to continue to undertake other business.
If you are interested in getting your project ‘finance-ready’ and ring-fencing project assets, contact us for advice. Read the full article on ring-fencing assets here.